MWES Weekly Newsletter

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 A Note From Our Administrators


Dear Manor Woods Families,

On Monday, December 12th, 2022, the following students were recognized by the Howard County Council of Elders.

Lucas Azene
Nahear Eyasu
Dwayne Johnson
Reese Matthews
Kieran Robinson
Alison Stewart
Naylah Vernet

The Celebration of Academic Achievement honors high academic performance during the 2021-2022 school year! This annual event publicly acknowledges students of African and African-American heritage, encouraging children to continue on the path of excellence through high school and beyond. 

This accomplishment is a tremendous achievement. This celebration honors students who are currently in grades 4 - 9. Please note the criteria for each grade level during the 2021-2022 school year below: 

  • Grades 4 - 6: Students must earn As or Bs in all areas under language arts and mathematics for all four marking periods.s. Students also must not have received any grades below a C in any of the following subjects: language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and health education for all four quarters. 

Congratulations to our Manor Woods students! We are proud of you!



Carol DeBord

Jennifer Zinn
Assistant Principal





Important Dates

12/26 - 12/30 - Schools Closed


Welcome to 2023
1/2/23 - Schools and Offices Closed for New Year’s Day
1/16/23 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/18/23 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early (Professional Work and Wellness Day)
1/23/23 - Schools Closed for Students ( Professional Work Day)



School News


On Tuesday, several Manor Woods 5th grade Band students auditioned for the Howard County GT Band. Those students worked very hard outside of school to prepare for this opportunity. We are very happy to inform you that three of our students were selected based on their audition and we would like to acknowledge them: 

  • From Mrs. Hornicek’s class, playing Clarinet, we have Rachel Lee 

  • Also from Mrs. Hornicek’s class, playing Alto Saxophone, we have Edward Yang 

  • And finally, from Mrs. Hornicek’s class, playing Trumpet, we have Luke Noblezada 

Congratulations to these students and to each of our 5th graders in Band that took on the challenge of taking the GT audition. We are so proud!  

Students Attendance Procedures

MWES would like to remind families about our attendance procedures. If your child is going to be absent from school, or if you need to provide a note to excuse your child’s absence from a previous day, please use our school absence inbox by emailing, put the student's name in the subject line.  You may also send in a note the day your child returns to school. 

Your message must include your: 

  • Child’s First And Last Name
  • Grade/Teacher
  •  The Date Of Absence
  • The Reason For Absence

 Please see the policy for attendance here:  HCPSS Policy 9010: Attendance. 

Counselors Corner

Mrs. Heinlein and Mrs. Salapata, School Counselors, are here to support our students and families. Mrs. Heinlein works with grades K, 2, 3 and 5. Mrs. Salapata works with grades 1 and 4. Please reach out to us through email or by calling 410-313-7165 if we can be of assistance.; 



As a friendly reminder, cold and flu seasons are approaching quickly.  Please remember if your child is sick, we ask that you keep them home.  If your child has a fever of 100.1 degrees or higher, they will need to remain home until they are fever-free for 24 hours with no fever reducing medication.  Frequent hand washing is the best practice to prevent illnesses.

Outdoor Recess Guidelines

Generally, students will be outside for recess when the temperature combined with the wind chill is not less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit or the heat index reading is less than 95. Children with certain health conditions may need special accommodations during extremely hot or cold weather. Parents of those children should provide medical documentation and may be consulted to determine if other arrangements are necessary.

PTA News


December 18 - Final Day for Staff Gratitude Gifts

December 21 - Last Day for Merry Mix Collection

January 11 - DEI Meeting

January 25 - Restaurant Night - Zen Garden


Stumped with how to show your gratitude to our amazing MWES Staff?  Look no further than the MWES PTA website ( for your one stop shop for all MWES Staff.  

This is a quick and easy way to express your gratitude to the dedicated staff that teach and nurture our children! The web store is set up to select the teachers/staff you would like to recognize and choose the amount you would like to give in increments of $1. The PTA will tabulate the individual teacher/ staff totals from all contributions and will send out a single gift card to that individual member.  Please note that any money dedicated to a teacher/staff will only go to that teacher/staff and will not be distributed among the entire list.  As usual, there is no obligation or expectation, just a way to make gifting a little easier for those who would like to take part. 

Gifts will be collected through December 18th.


Help us make a special treat for our staff this holiday season! See sign up link below to help provide the ingredients. Donations will be collected in the front lobby through next Wednesday the 21st. We will be putting out a container for the kids to drop the items near the entrance. It will be wrapped in holiday paper with a sign that says “Merry-Mix drop off”. Thank you so much for your support as we show our gratitude to our amazing staff!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

To learn more please visit:

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - DEI Participation

As we continue to work on celebrating our differences through cultural events at MWES, we are looking for more parents to participate in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Parent Team. The mission of DEI is a school community where every member feels seen, heard and empowered. Please contact Demika Johnson at if you would like to join or have questions. 

You can volunteer through sign-up genius. Please click the link if you are interested.

Next DEI Meeting 

January 11th at 6:30pm via Zoom


Community News & Event


Families are encouraged to visit the HCPSS website for all your needs, including:

School-Based Mental Health Services 

Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) is expanding its school-based mental health services. Previously available in forty-five schools across the county, these services will be available at all HCPSS schools by the end of the first semester of the 2022-23 school year. The services, including therapy provided at school buildings during the instructional day, are provided by HCPSS’ school-based student services teams in collaboration with community mental health agencies. For more information please click on the following link:

HCPSS School Messages

 All parents/guardians are in our system to receive HCPSS and school emails. Please do not attempt to create a new account with your child’s 2022-2023 school. Additionally, unsubscribing from any HCPSS or school messages will block you from receiving all messages from the district and your child’s school. Please do not unsubscribe. To opt in to receive text messages from HCPSS you must text “YES” to 67587. 

HCPSS Student & Parent Handbook

Click HERE for the county's 2022-23 handbook