Dear Manor Woods Families,
It is hard to believe we are at the end of the first quarter. Tuesday, October 31st marks the end of the first quarter and schools will dismiss 3 hours early which is 12:15 p.m. for Manor Woods. On Wednesday, November 8th, the first report card of the school year will be available to view in HCPSS Connect at 4:00 p.m. When viewable, please take a moment to congratulate your child on his or her academic achievements and see what goals can be made for the second quarter! We are extremely proud of all of our Mighty Ducks!
Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for November 20th, 21st & 22nd. The parent teacher conference sign-up window opens on Monday, November 6 at 8 a.m. and closes on Thursday, November 16 at 4 p.m. Each conference will be 15 minutes. On Monday, November 6, please login to HCPSS Connect to sign up for a conference time.
On Monday, November 20, all conferences will be held in person only and will begin at 12:45 p.m. Parents may only attend their scheduled conference in person.
On Tuesday, November 21, and Wednesday, November 22, all conferences will be held virtually only. Please see below for additional details.
Fall Parent teacher conferences will take place with the ELA/Homeroom teacher on Monday, November 20 and Tuesday, November 21. Some teachers may also offer conferences on Wednesday, November 22.
Ms. Parker and Ms. Broadhurst will conference with their grade 4 math classes.
If you need assistance with scheduling conferences, please feel free to contact our front office staff.
As we move forward into the month of November, this is always a great time to share our appreciation, thanks and gratitude. Reflecting on our many blessings and sharing our gratitude with others can truly make a difference. The staff at Manor Woods works so hard every day to make sure our students and families are happy and successful and we would love your help in recognizing our staff during this month of Thanksgiving. Will you join us in recognizing a staff member? Will you recognize any staff member who is making a difference for your child(ren)?
Please take a moment to recognize a staff member who is making a positive difference. Use this link to SHOUT OUT a MWES staff member: #MWES STAFF SHOUT OUT. We will share the SHOUT OUT with individual staff members as they are received. Thank you for your support in recognizing our amazing staff!
We hope to see many students and families this evening for our PTA sponsored Trunk or Treat starting at 5:15 p.m.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Kelli Jenkins, Principal
Jennifer Zinn, Assistant Principal