MWES Newsletter

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Dear Manor Woods Families,               

We would like to welcome all new Kindergarten families to register for the 2023-2024 school year.  Registration for incoming kindergarteners and newly enrolled first graders opens on Monday, March 6.  As we prepare for our upcoming school year, it is important to have your child registered to ensure we have the correct amount of teachers for our students.  Please do not delay.  Help us with the process by registering your new kindergartner or first grader as soon as possible.  

Children must be 5 years old by September 1 in order to enroll in kindergarten. Every child who is 5 years old by September 1 must be enrolled in a kindergarten program this fall or have an approved waiver. HCPSS kindergarten is a full day program.

  • Please make certain you are on the screen for 2023-2024 if registering for the next school year.

  • Parents or guardians are to register students at the school serving the address where the child’s parent or guardian resides.  Information on neighborhood schools can be found through HCPSS School Locator.

  • Complete your child’s registration online by providing the documents listed below. The registration process will be more efficient if you upload the required documents during online registration. Otherwise, you will be asked to submit the required documents via email as pdfs. The following documents are needed for registration and should be submitted during the online registration process: Click here for a checklist for registration.

    • Child’s evidence of birth (i.e.: birth certificate, baptismal certificate)

    • An authorized record of immunizations

    • Proof of residency in the form of your entire signed lease/deed including signature pages.

    • Current utility bill with your name and address that has been issued within the last 45 days. (cellular device bills not accepted)

    • Photo ID of parent/guardian

Additional Documents to bring if applicable to your child:

Proof of custody - only if there is information the school must adhere to during school hours (full document including the signature pages)

  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for Special Education Services
  • 504 plan 
  • Psychological report or related services reports/plans
  • English Language Learner (ELL) plans or previous assessments

These forms should be completed by your child's pediatrician and dentist and emailed to our Health Room prior to the first day of school or as soon as your child has their 5 year check-up

It is recommended that you work on a laptop or desktop to complete registration. Cell phone registration is not recommended. Please call our front office at 410-313-7165 or email or with registration questions.



Carol DeBord, Principal

Jennifer Zinn, Assistant Principal


duck prints.png


Important Dates


3/7/23 - Spring Pictures   
3/9/23 - Spirit Day: Marvelous Math Day 
Wear a shirt or jersey showcasing your favorite numbers, patterns, or shapes
3/15/23 - Schools Closed 3 Hours Early
3/31/23 - Schools Closed 3 Hours Early


School News

Math Night 

Do you want to support your child's math thinking, but don't want to just give them more work to do?  Are you looking for fun ways to engage with your child?  Does your child like playing games?  If you answered "Yes!" to any of these questions, please join us Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. for our Family Math Night!

Math Night will have specific grade-level games as well as cultural math activities for your children to play in the gym or the cafeteria. While your children play the math games, parents may attend a math presentation in the media center with the HCPSS Coordinator of Mathematics, John SanGiovanni.  His presentation will focus on how parents can help their children with math at home.

We hope you will join us for our MWES Family Math Night on Thursday, March 9th from 6:00-7:00 p.m.

In order to help us prepare for this night, please RSVP with the form below by 2/23/23. If possible, please have your child bring a deck of cards with their name on it for the evening games. Thank you!

Register at:

From The Health Room

Important Health & Safety Message

All HCPSS students and staff must stay home if they are experiencing symptom(s) associated with any communicable disease. Families, students, and staff should perform daily health checks and stay home if they have symptoms of a communicable disease, including the seasonal flu, COVID-19 and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Families are encouraged to consider taking advantage of flu and COVID vaccines and boosters.

Students Attendance Procedures

MWES would like to remind families about our attendance procedures. If your child is going to be absent from school, or if you need to provide a note to excuse your child’s absence from a previous day, please use our school absence inbox by emailing, put the student name on the subject line.  You may also send in a note the day your child returns to school. 

Your message must include your: 

  • Child’s First And Last Name

  • Grade/Teacher

  •  The Date Of Absence

  • The Reason For Absence

 Please see the policy for attendance here:  HCPSS Policy 9010: Attendance. 

Counselors Corner

Mrs. Heinlein and Mrs. Salapata, School Counselors, are here to support our students and families. Mrs. Heinlein works with grades K, 2, 3 and 5. Mrs. Salapata works with grades 1 and 4. Please reach out to us through email or by calling 410-313-7165 if we can be of assistance.; 

Outdoor Recess Guidelines

Generally, students will be outside for recess when the temperature combined with the wind chill is not less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit or the heat index reading is less than 95. Children with certain health conditions may need special accommodations during extremely hot or cold weather. Parents of those children should provide medical documentation and may be consulted to determine if other arrangements are necessary.


PTA News


March Restaurant Night is Monday, March 13 at Crazy Mason Milkshake Bar from 4-7PM.


Our next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, MARCH 21st. Hope to see you there!


Trade your running shoes for dancing shoes! The PTA sponsored Snowflake Fun Run that was postponed due to weather will now be a Snowflake Ball! Friday, March 24th at Manor Woods Elementary School -- more details coming soon.


Order your yearbook today at and to Enter your school’s passcode: 1014749226162236. Order anytime but customized pages are due by May 3rd. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

To learn more please visit:

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - DEI Participation

DEI Participation

As we continue to work on celebrating our differences through cultural events at MWES, we are looking for more parents to participate in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Parent Team. The mission of DEI is a school community where every member feels seen, heard and empowered. 

Black History Month


Greetings for Black History Month! It’s time to learn from history how steadfast resolve and resiliency may bring success! Black history month celebrates African Americans’ hardships, accomplishments, and experiences. By observing this month, we are reminded of the achievements and sacrifices made by Black men and women.


DEI Slides for African American History Month


Ramadan will begin in the evening of March 22nd, we are working with our students who celebrate Ramadan in completing posters to share with our school staff and students. Thanks to our parent volunteers, Mrs.Altales and Mrs.Baibars, the posters will be displayed on the school bulletin board starting the first week of March. Please check out the following padlet as well!

Volunteers Needed

• Book Club - April

• Multicultural Night  - May 11th from 6pm - 8pm at Marriotts Ridge HS

Please contact DD at or Jasmine Brenan at if you would like to join or have questions.


Community News & Events


Families are encouraged to visit the HCPSS website for all your needs, including:

Audition Opportunity 

Please see the flyer for an upcoming audition opportunity for adults and children!

We are looking to cast 15-20 young actors (rising 2nd grade and up) for the "River City Boys Band" (can be female too), as well as one young male actor to play the role of Winthrop and one young female actor to play the role of Amaryllis. The other characters/ensemble will be adults. For those of you with theatrical kids, this would be a fun experience for the whole family to perform together. 

This show will not interfere with any day camps/work as this production rehearses in the evening or on the weekends.

Visit for more details!

Join us for HebronFest 2023 on March 9th at 6pm

Come experience all that Mt. Hebron High School has to offer! Please join us for HebronFEST 2023 on Thursday, March 9th starting at 6pm. HebronFest showcases all that student and parent groups have been working on beyond the classroom. There will be trivia, games, displays, performances and much more! Make sure to join in on the fun! Everyone is welcome!

Positive Solutions For Families

Positive Solutions For Families flier that now includes both a daytime session (at Swansfield Elementary) and an evening session (at Central Library Branch). Registration is now open!

March Sensory Friendly Stories

Sharing two OEIS opportunities for families to engage with each other in the month of March! The March story time with Howard County Public Library will be held on 3/8/23 at the Glenwood Branch: March Sensory Friendly Stories & More.

We're also excited to announce the return of the Parent Cafe! Parents of children birth-5 come together to connect, learn, and share. Free childcare and light refreshments are provided. Please share the March Parent Cafe flier with families!

Affordable Internet

 Affordable Connectivity Program to assist with reducing the cost of high-speed internet.

How to apply
Participating Vendors

Comcast               Free Internet with the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) | Xfinity


HCPSS Student & Parent Handbook

Click HERE for the county's 2022-23 handbook