From School Administration
As we reach the end of the first quarter, we want to recognize our MWES Mighty Ducks for their hard work, dedication and perseverance which made for an incredible start to the 2024-2025 school year! Report cards will be available for families to access on HCPSS Connect on Friday, November 8th at 4pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to review your child’s report card as a family and set goals for the second quarter.
This is just a reminder that this year report cards will be standards based for all grade levels at the elementary level. PreK-2 report cards were updated last year, and this year students in grades 3-5 will receive report cards that are standards based. These report card shifts are due to HCPSS implementing the Standards Based Instruction and Reporting (SBIR) process, per Policy 8010 – Grading and Reporting: Pre-Kindergarten Through Grade 5. With the shift to SBIR, grades are based on the student's proficiency with grade-level curriculum standards and provides families with a more accurate assessment of how their child is performing.
The Standards Based Instruction and Reporting Family and Community Resources Canvas course provides important information about SBIR.
For more information, download the Understanding Your Child's Report Card document.
Academic Performance Codes represent what has been learned - where the student is in relation to the expectation of the grade level standard. It is intended to reflect the progress toward meeting the Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards for their current grade level.
For students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), detailed progress toward IEP goals is provided in the Annual Goal(s) Progress Report that is sent at the same time as the HCPSS report card. A student’s IEP goals address the identified skills that support their progress toward meeting grade level standards.
Parent-Teacher conferences are upon us November 25th-27th. During your child’s conference with their ELA teacher you will learn much more about how your child is performing in the classroom. Therefore, we encourage you to sign up for a conference with your child’s teacher. Please find more detailed information below regarding parent/teacher conferences.
As we move forward into the month of November, this is always a great time to share our appreciation, thanks and gratitude. Reflecting on our many blessings and sharing our gratitude with others can truly make a difference. The staff at Manor Woods works so hard every day to make sure our students and families are happy and successful and we would love your help in recognizing our staff during this month of Thanksgiving. Will you join us in recognizing a staff member? Will you recognize any staff member who is making a difference for your child(ren)?
Please take a moment to recognize a staff member who is making a positive difference. Use this link to SHOUT OUT a MWES staff member: #MWES STAFF SHOUT OUT. We will share the SHOUT OUT with individual staff members as they are received. Thank you for your support in recognizing our amazing staff!
We are looking forward to a great second quarter at MWES!
Wishing everyone a fabulous weekend!
Kelli Jenkins, Principal
Jennifer Zinn, Assistant Principal
5 - Schools and Offices Closed - Election Day
8 - Q1 Report Cards Issued, 4:00 p.m. via HCPSS Connect
8 - Parent/Teacher Conference Sign-Up Opens @ 8:00 am
11 - PTA Duck Dash
15 - PTA Duck Dash Rain Date
25 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - Parent/Teacher Conferences (in person)
26 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - Parent/Teacher Conferences (virtual)
27 - Schools Closed for Students - Parent/Teacher Conferences
28 - Schools and Offices Closed
29 - Schools and Offices Closed
23 - 31 -Winter Break School Closed
Related Arts Color Calendar Schedule
We would like to honor all military veterans related to Manor Woods families. If you would like to honor a family member or friend, please complete the following form no later than Thursday, November 7th. We will display these names in our school during Veterans Day in November. MWES Veterans Day Recognition
The Safety of our students and staff is our top priority during arrival and dismissal. For all parents/guardians of car riders, please be reminded of the following expectations:
Students MAY NOT be dropped off in the parking lot. All car rider students should be dropped off in the car loop (unless a prior arrangement has been made with school staff). If a parent/guardian needs to access the parking lot, the parent/guardian MUST PARK and WALK their child(ren) to the building.
Our school start time is 8:30-8:45 AM with the expectation that students are in their class ready for instruction at 8:45 AM. If a student arrives late and the cones/sign have been placed at the start of the car loop. Parents/guardians must access the parking lot, PARK and WALK their child(ren) into the school building. Students are considered tardy at this time and must be signed in by parent/guardian via the use of Lobby Guard in our Front Office.
For any questions or concerns, please contact administration.
The fall administration of the MAP assessment has ended, and families have access to their child’s MAP Student Progress Report in ParentVue in Synergy. Directions to access your child’s MAP results are here. Here is a guide to help parents understand their child’s report. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s results, please contact your child’s teacher. The next time students will take the MAP is this winter between January 27 - February 27. Specific MWES administration dates will be shared in advance.
Parent-Teacher Conference Registration Opens November 8
Registration opens at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, November 8th, for fall parent/teacher conferences, which will be held Monday, November. 25th, in person only and Tuesday, November 26th - Wednesday, November 27th, virtually only.
When scheduling conferences for multiple children, please allow one full conference time between your meetings to allow for transitions both in person and virtually. The conference scheduling window closes November 21st.
HCPSS elementary schools will close 3 hours early on Monday, 11/25 and Tuesday 11/26 for parent/teacher conferences. MWES will dismiss students at 12:15 PM on both days.
HCPSS schools are closed on Wednesday, 11/27.
Each conference will be 15 minutes. On Friday, November 8, please login to HCPSS Connect to sign up for a conference time.
On Monday, November 25, all conferences will be held in person only and will begin at 12:45 p.m. Parents may only attend their scheduled conference in person.
On Tuesday, November 26, and Wednesday, November 27, all conferences will be held virtually only.
Fall conferences will take place with the ELA/Homeroom teacher on Monday, November 25 and Tuesday, November 26. Some teachers may also offer conferences on Wednesday, November 27.
Ms. Parker and Ms. Broadhurst will conference with their grade 4 math classes.
Related Arts teachers are offering optional conferences. Due to limited time slots, please only schedule with Related Arts if you have a concern regarding academic performance and/or learning behaviors. Related Arts grades can always be accessed in Canvas even though they will not be posted on report cards for quarters 1 & 3.
If you need assistance with scheduling conferences, please feel free to contact our front office staff.
For virtual conferences, a Google Meet link will be included in your confirmation email, and your child’s ELA teacher will provide additional details.
Virtual Conference Details (November 26th & 27th):
If joining virtually, please enter the Google Meet link one minute before your scheduled time. You’ll be in a “waiting room” until admitted. If you experience any technical issues, your child’s teacher will contact you via email, or you may connect with our Front Office staff for support.
Scheduling Instructions (beginning Friday, November 8th, at 8:00 am):
Log in to HCPSS Connect to view and select your time slot:
Go to
Select “Conference” from the left menu.
Choose “Parent Scheduled Conferences” at the top right.
Pick a convenient time slot.
The scheduling window will remain open until Thursday, November 21st, at 4:00 pm. If you cannot access HCPSS Connect, please contact the school at 410-313-7165 for assistance.
We are noticing a significant increase of students wearing and using smart watches to school during the day. Additionally, parents and children are communicating during the school day using smart watches and phones.
Use of a smart watch and phone by an elementary school child during the day is a violation of HCPSS Policy 8080.
Students should not be wearing smart watches during the school day.
As of 11/1/24:
All students with smart watches and cell phones or any other smart device (any device that connects to cell service or wifi with text/email/phone/apps) are required to be placed in the backpack by the student at the start of the school day and remain in the backpack throughout the school day.
If you (the parent or guardian) have the capability to turn the smart watch to school mode and will ensure it remains in this mode during the school day, you may email Ms. Jenkins at or Ms. Zinn at to make this request and receive approval.
Even if approval is granted by administration and the watch is turned to school mode, parents/guardians may not communicate with their child during the day using the smart watch/device/cell phone.
All communication must go through adults - the front office or staff - using approved methods of communication such as our HCPSS phone (410-313-7165) or HCPSS email.
As a reminder, students bringing smart watches, devices, and phones to school are taking a risk of the item becoming damaged, lost, or stolen. The school is not responsible for any phones or smart watches that are lost, stolen or damaged. Please keep this in mind with any smart watches, devices, and phones you are allowing your child to bring to school.
Failure to adhere to this policy will lead to the removal of the smart watch/cell phone/device by the staff member and it will be given to administration for the parent to pick up at an agreed upon time. The device will then be prohibited from school.
Please help us keep our students engaged and focused on instruction and social engagement with their peers during the school day.
Policy 8080 – Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools, and Social Media
Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools, and Social Media - HCPSS
Student Use – Technology
When using online technology at any HCPSS location, students must authenticate to the HCPSS network, consistent with Policy 3040 Technology Security.
When technology is necessary for instruction, HCPSS will provide devices for student use.
HCPSS will not mandate that students provide their own technology at school.
HCPSS permits students to bring personal technology devices to school, according to the following rules:
Elementary Schools – Students will keep personal technology devices in backpacks during the school day, unless otherwise authorized by school administrators or instructional staff.
PTA News
Duck Dash Monday, November 11th
PTA Calendar:
Please visit the PTA website at
Please consider helping Girl Scout Troop 4301, a group of 1st and 2nd graders collect personal care items for local families in need! Donation boxes will be by the front office from Nov 11-Dec 1. We are looking for new toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, shampoo, conditioner, and soap to reach our goal of creating 60 care packages. Thank you for your support!
Elementary Student Cell-Phone Usage Policy
Families are reminded that students must abide by Board of Education Policy 8080 Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools, and Social Media, and specifically Standard E. Student Use-Technology, which states that “HCPSS permits students to bring personal technology devices to school, according to the following rules:
Elementary Schools – Students will keep personal technology devices in backpacks during the school day, unless otherwise authorized by school administrators or instructional staff.
HCPSS Student Code of Conduct
The Howard County Public School System is committed to providing a safe, engaging and supportive learning environment where all policies are enforced fairly and consistently. HCPSS policies and regulations emphasize instruction and rehabilitation rather than punishment and are designed to foster and reward appropriate behavior and keep students connected to school so they can graduate college and career ready. Please read and review the HCPSS student code of conduct with your child(ren) before the school year begins: HCPSS Student Code Of Conduct
HCPSS Student & Parent Handbook
The Student & Parent Handbook can be found online and outlines districtwide practices and policies related to parents and students, including the Student Code of Conduct, school procedures, student responsibilities and more.
Click here for the latest updated hcpss news.