American Education Week is the week of November 18th-22nd. Each year, we look forward to honoring public education and the many individuals who contribute to ensuring that every student receives a quality education.
American Education Week is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our collaboration and partnership with families. We invite parents and guardians to visit the class during this special week.
Due to school security, student confidentiality, and limited space, we ask our parents/guardians to follow these guidelines:
Only parents/guardians are allowed to visit.
To allow for the safe arrival and dismissal of our students, we ask for parents/guardians to visit between 9:00 AM - 2:45 PM.
All parents/guardians must sign in at the front office with Lobby Guard.
Visitors must bring a scannable driver’s license to access Lobby Guard.
Visitor stickers are worn in a visible location at all times.
Due to space, we ask that you limit your visit to one hour. Ask your child what part of the day they would like you to visit. See our master schedule below.
Be mindful of confidentiality while visiting. Visitors are responsible for maintaining confidentiality of all private, sensitive, and personally identifiable information they may see or hear while visiting HCPSS schools. Please click here for more information.
No photos/videos please.
Please silence your phone throughout your visit.
If you are joining for lunch, please understand that there may not be space for all parents to sit for our grades with larger numbers of students. Please ensure that all students have a place to sit to eat. ** Please note ~ Visitors are not permitted during recess per HCPSS guidelines.**
Parking Reminders:
Parking will be limited, so please consider carpooling.
No cars can be parked in the bus loop between 8:30-9:00 AM.
All cars must leave the bus loop no later than 2:45 PM.
Please do not park in the fire lane at any time.
We look forward to welcoming you into our school to see the outstanding teaching and learning going on!
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!
Kelli Jenkins, Principal
Jennifer Zinn, Assistant Principal
11 - PTA Duck Dash
15 - PTA Duck Dash Rain Date
25 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - Parent/Teacher Conferences (in person)
26 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - Parent/Teacher Conferences (virtual)
27 - Schools Closed for Students - Parent/Teacher Conferences
28 - Schools and Offices Closed
29 - Schools and Offices Closed
23 - 31 -Winter Break School Closed
Related Arts Color Calendar Schedule
Report cards will be viewable on Friday at 4:00 PM via HCPSS Connect. This is an important opportunity for us to collaborate to support your child's learning and growth. This year, changes have been made to the report card format for students in grades 3 to 5. To help you understand these changes, a guide titled "Understanding Your Child's Report Cards" was sent home with students. This guide contains information on how to interpret your child’s report card.
Below are a few essential ideas we would like to highlight.
1. Standards-Based Report Cards
You may notice: All grades (PK-5) now use standards-based report cards. This means your child's grades reflect their progress toward specific learning goals for their grade level.
If you see: "M, P, or L" (primary grades) or "A, B, C, D, or E" (grades 3-5), these indicate your child's progress toward grade-level standards.
M (Meeting), A, B: Your child is meeting grade-level expectations.
P (Progressing), C: Your child is progressing toward grade-level expectations but may need additional support.
L (Limited/No Progress), D, E: Your child is not yet meeting grade-level expectations. This means we need to work together to create a plan to help them succeed.
2. What Do the Grades Mean?
If you see: A "D" or "E," it does not mean your child is failing. It simply means they still need to meet the grade-level expectations, and we need to work together to support their growth.
It's important to remember: Grades this year focus on your child's individual progress toward specific learning goals, not how they compare to other students.
3. "On Grade Level"
You may notice that the report card doesn't use terms like "above," "on," or "below" level. This is because the standards on the report card already represent what your child should be learning in their grade. Their grades (A, B, C, D, E or M, P, L) show whether they meet those expectations.
If you see: A comment in math about your child learning "another grade level standard," this means they are working on more advanced skills.
To learn more, reference the measurement topics crosswalk (shows the specific standards in each measurement topic within the specific grade level) or discuss your child's progress in detail at parent-teacher conferences.
4. IEPs and ELD Reports
If your child has an IEP, You will receive a separate progress report showing their progress toward their IEP goals.
If your child is a Multilingual Learner, You will also receive an ELD progress report showing how your child is progressing toward English language development.
5. Report Card Comments
You may notice that report card comments are more focused. One comment highlights a strength, and any other comments explain an "L," "D," "E," or "3."
To learn more: The report card provides a snapshot of your child's progress (quantitative and equitable). For a more complete picture (qualitative), attend parent-teacher conferences and stay in regular contact with your child's teacher.
How to Access Your Child’s Report Card
Quarter 1 report cards will be available online on November 8th after 4 pm. Use the link below to learn how to access your child's report card.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences are a valuable opportunity to discuss your child's progress in detail. We encourage you to attend in person or virtually within the conference window or at another mutually convenient time. You can sign up for a conference on Friday, November 8th through HCPSS Connect.
The Safety of our students and staff is our top priority during arrival and dismissal. For all parents/guardians of car riders, please be reminded of the following expectations:
Students MAY NOT be dropped off in the parking lot. All car rider students should be dropped off in the car loop (unless a prior arrangement has been made with school staff). If a parent/guardian needs to access the parking lot, the parent/guardian MUST PARK and WALK their child(ren) to the building.
Our school start time is 8:30-8:45 AM with the expectation that students are in their class ready for instruction at 8:45 AM. If a student arrives late and the cones/sign have been placed at the start of the car loop. Parents/guardians must access the parking lot, PARK and WALK their child(ren) into the school building. Students are considered tardy at this time and must be signed in by parent/guardian via the use of Lobby Guard in our Front Office.
For any questions or concerns, please contact administration.
The fall administration of the MAP assessment has ended, and families have access to their child’s MAP Student Progress Report in ParentVue in Synergy. Directions to access your child’s MAP results are here. Here is a guide to help parents understand their child’s report. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s results, please contact your child’s teacher. The next time students will take the MAP is this winter between January 27 - February 27. Specific MWES administration dates will be shared in advance.
We are happy to share information about the 9th Annual Toys for Tots Campaign led by Howard County Executive Calvin Ball in partnership with the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation!
The mission of the US Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year. Households are able to receive a gift for the holidays.
To learn more: Toys for Tots Program
Manor Woods Elementary School is passing this opportunity on to your family to make this holiday season special. If your family needs support, please take a look at the details below.
Registration Details:
Register your family here:
The deadline to register is Friday, December 6th, by close of business.
Toy Pickup Information:
Families will pick up their toys on Saturday, December 21, 2024, from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Ascend One Building (8930 Stanford Blvd, Columbia, MD).
This will be a drive-through event. Families will provide their registration number to a volunteer, who will deliver the toys directly to your car.
Important Guidelines:
Register all children in your family, even if they are not of school age or attend different schools.
Toys for Tots cannot accommodate "wish lists," but if a child has special needs, please include that in the registration notes.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Commission Contest
Click here for more details:
Announcing the 2025 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Commission Student Contests: Honor Dr. King's Legacy & Win Cash Prizes!
Elementary, Middle & High School Poster Contest: “Create a piece of artwork that illustrates how we can make positive changes in ourselves, schools, and communities.”
High School & Middle School Essay Contest: Write an essay about a time that you created positive change in yourself, school, or community. Discuss challenges, outcomes, and personal growth.
High School & Middle School Oratory Contest: Create a 5–7-minute speech that illustrates how you created positive change in yourself, school, or community. Discuss challenges, outcomes, and personal growth.
Entries must be received by November 15th, 2024 at 5:00 PM EST
Via Email:
Via Mail: Howard County Office of Human Rights & Equity
9820 Patuxent Woods Drive, Suite 237 Columbia, MD 21046
Click Here to Download a Fillable PDF Application
For More Information: Call (410) 313-6430 Email:
PTA News
Duck Dash Monday, November 11th
PTA Calendar:
Please visit the PTA website at
Free DBT Class for Parents and Caregivers
When: November 19, 5-7:30pm
Where: Columbia, MD
What: This free training course (dinner is included!) is open to parents and caregivers. Learn about Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness to help increase children's emotional regulation and mindfulness skills. Visit the link above for more info. and to register.
The Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program is dedicated to understanding how our services benefit Maryland children and families. You may have received a letter in the mail or from your Service Coordinator, asking you to complete the Early Intervention Services Survey. To help us improve, we kindly ask you to take a few minutes to complete the survey and return it in the self-addressed stamped envelope or visit to complete the survey online. Your feedback is important to enhancing not only our funding to support programs for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with developmental delays or disabilities and their families but is also important in the expansion of services and resources across Maryland. If your child turned three years old before July 1, 2024, and you have chosen to continue early intervention services through an Extended Individualized Family Service Plan, please be sure to answer the two questions at the bottom of the survey. We truly value your opinion, and your input helps us serve you better! Responses are due by November 22, 2024.
Thank you for your support!
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 12:00-12:45 p.m.
Virtual Event
This session is designed to empower parents of children with developmental delays or disabilities by enhancing their understanding of play as a crucial tool for development. Through practical strategies, parents will learn how to adapt play activities to their child’s specific needs, allowing them to effectively engage their child through play while supporting their development and fostering communication, the foundation of social skills, and sensory integration. Presented by Candice Shin, HCPSS Autism Specialist in the Office of Early Intervention, this event is not disability specific. For families of children birth-five with a developmental delay or disability (with an IEP or IFSP). Get the tricks of the trade in a 30-minute presentation followed by 15 minutes reserved for questions and answers. Visit registration page. Contact or with questions. The meeting link is on the registration form and will be sent to all those registered the day before the event. If school is closed due to inclement weather, the event will be postponed. This event is part of the HCPSS Parent Empowerment Series including trainings related to special education and events for families of students with an IEP or IFSP.
Other topics in the series will be:
Monday, November 18, 2024 12:00-1:30 p.m.
Virtual Event
Parents and families play an important role in how well children do in school and in the community. In this workshop you will:
Understand what effective parental advocacy means and its benefits
Learn strategies on how to effectively work with school staff and service providers to meet your child’s support needs
Recognize ways to build and sustain home, school and community partnerships and collaboration on early assessment and intervention
Learn about available resources at school and in the community
Presented by Dr. Mirian Ofonedu, Ph.D., LCSW-C, the Director of Training at the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities. Visit registration page. This event is part of the HCPSS Parent Empowerment Series including trainings related to special education and events for families of students with an IEP or IFSP in collaboration with the Kennedy Kreiger Institute.
Thursday, November 21, 2024 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Virtual Event
Presented by Tristen Lyon, HCPSS Behavior Specialist.
We will discuss the function that behavior serves in this interactive workshop. Parents and guardians will develop an understanding of the ABCs of behavior (antecedent-behavior-consequence), focusing on reframing our ideas of what "consequence" means. We will provide explicit, proactive and responsive strategies that can be implemented in the home setting. For families of students aged 3-21 with an IEP. Visit registration page. For questions please contact The meeting link is on the registration page and will be sent to registrants the day before the event. This event is part of the HCPSS Parent Empowerment Series including training sessions related to special education and events for families of students with an IEP and/or IFSP.
Please consider helping Girl Scout Troop 4301, a group of 1st and 2nd graders collect personal care items for local families in need! Donation boxes will be by the front office from Nov 11-Dec 1. We are looking for new toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, shampoo, conditioner, and soap to reach our goal of creating 60 care packages. Thank you for your support!
HCPSS Student Code of Conduct
The Howard County Public School System is committed to providing a safe, engaging and supportive learning environment where all policies are enforced fairly and consistently. HCPSS policies and regulations emphasize instruction and rehabilitation rather than punishment and are designed to foster and reward appropriate behavior and keep students connected to school so they can graduate college and career ready. Please read and review the HCPSS student code of conduct with your child(ren) before the school year begins: HCPSS Student Code Of Conduct
HCPSS Student & Parent Handbook
The Student & Parent Handbook can be found online and outlines districtwide practices and policies related to parents and students, including the Student Code of Conduct, school procedures, student responsibilities and more.
Click here for the latest updated hcpss news.