We want to send a huge SHOUT OUT and THANK YOU to our PTA for an AMAZING DUCK DASH on Monday! It was a fantastic day and we are beyond thankful for all the volunteers that made the day possible. Thank you to the PTA Fundraising volunteers for the endless hours of planning, organizing and making the Duck Dash come to life. In addition, thank you to the many volunteers throughout the day to ensure all was a success as well as our parent/family member spectators cheering for and supporting our students and staff. AND thank you to the many, many donations made for our school and community. This is another example of coming together to provide the best possible for our school community. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
American Education Week is the week of November 18th-22nd. Each year, we look forward to honoring public education and the many individuals who contribute to ensuring that every student receives a quality education.
American Education Week is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our collaboration and partnership with families. We invite parents and guardians to visit the class during this special week.
Due to school security, student confidentiality, and limited space, we ask our parents/guardians to follow these guidelines:
Only parents/guardians are allowed to visit.
To allow for the safe arrival and dismissal of our students, we ask for parents/guardians to visit between 9:00 AM - 2:45 PM.
All parents/guardians must sign in at the front office with Lobby Guard.
Visitors must bring a scannable driver’s license to access Lobby Guard.
Visitor stickers are worn in a visible location at all times.
Due to space, we ask that you limit your visit to one hour. Ask your child what part of the day they would like you to visit. See our master schedule below.
Be mindful of confidentiality while visiting. Visitors are responsible for maintaining confidentiality of all private, sensitive, and personally identifiable information they may see or hear while visiting HCPSS schools. Please click here for more information.
No photos/videos please.
Please silence your phone throughout your visit.
If you are joining for lunch, please understand that there may not be space for all parents to sit for our grades with larger numbers of students. Please ensure that all students have a place to sit to eat. ** Please note ~ Visitors are not permitted during recess per HCPSS guidelines.**
Parking Reminders:
Parking will be limited, so please consider carpooling.
No cars can be parked in the bus loop between 8:30-9:00 AM.
All cars must leave the bus loop no later than 2:45 PM.
Please do not park in the fire lane at any time.
We look forward to welcoming you into our school to see the outstanding teaching and learning going on!
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!
Kelli Jenkins, Principal
Jennifer Zinn, Assistant Principal
18-22 - American Education Week ~ See detailed information
21 - Parent Teacher conference scheduling window closes in Synergy
25 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - Parent/Teacher Conferences (IN PERSON)
26 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - Parent/Teacher Conferences (VIRTUAL)
27 - Schools Closed for Students - Parent/Teacher Conferences
28 - 29 - Schools and Offices Closed
4 - PTA Meeting, 6:30 PM, Media Center
19 - Winter Chorus Concert, 7:00 pm, Marriotts Ridge High School
23 - 31 - Winter Break School Closed
Related Arts Color Calendar Schedule
Registration opens at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, November 8th, for fall parent/teacher conferences, which will be held Monday, November. 25th, in person only and Tuesday, November 26th - Wednesday, November 27th, virtually only.
When scheduling conferences for multiple children, please allow one full conference time between your meetings to allow for transitions both in person and virtually. The conference scheduling window closes November 21st.
HCPSS elementary schools will close 3 hours early on Monday, 11/25 and Tuesday 11/26 for parent/teacher conferences. MWES will dismiss students at 12:15 PM on both days.
HCPSS schools are closed on Wednesday, 11/27.
Each conference will be 15 minutes. On Friday, November 8, please login to HCPSS Connect to sign up for a conference time.
On Monday, November 25, all conferences will be held in person only and will begin at 12:45 p.m. Parents may only attend their scheduled conference in person.
On Tuesday, November 26, and Wednesday, November 27, all conferences will be held virtually only.
Fall conferences will take place with the ELA/Homeroom teacher on Monday, November 25 and Tuesday, November 26. Some teachers may also offer conferences on Wednesday, November 27.
Ms. Parker and Ms. Broadhurst will conference with their grade 4 math classes.
Related Arts teachers are offering optional conferences. Due to limited time slots, please only schedule with Related Arts if you have a concern regarding academic performance and/or learning behaviors. Related Arts grades can always be accessed in Canvas even though they will not be posted on report cards for quarters 1 & 3.
If you need assistance with scheduling conferences, please feel free to contact our front office staff.
For virtual conferences, a Google Meet link will be included in your confirmation email, and your child’s ELA teacher will provide additional details.
Virtual Conference Details (November 26th & 27th):
If joining virtually, please enter the Google Meet link one minute before your scheduled time. You’ll be in a “waiting room” until admitted. If you experience any technical issues, your child’s teacher will contact you via email, or you may connect with our Front Office staff for support.
Scheduling Instructions (beginning Friday, November 8th, at 8:00 am):
Log in to HCPSS Connect to view and select your time slot:
Select “Conference” from the left menu.
Choose “Parent Scheduled Conferences” at the top right.
Pick a convenient time slot.
The scheduling window will remain open until Thursday, November 21st, at 4:00 pm. If you cannot access HCPSS Connect, please contact the school at 410-313-7165 for assistance.
The fall administration of the MAP assessment has ended, and families have access to their child’s MAP Student Progress Report in ParentVue in Synergy. Directions to access your child’s MAP results are here. Here is a guide to help parents understand their child’s report. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s results, please contact your child’s teacher. The next time students will take the MAP is this winter between January 27 - February 27. Specific MWES administration dates will be shared in advance.
We are happy to share information about the 9th Annual Toys for Tots Campaign led by Howard County Executive Calvin Ball in partnership with the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation!
The mission of the US Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year. Households are able to receive a gift for the holidays.
To learn more: Toys for Tots Program
Manor Woods Elementary School is passing this opportunity on to your family to make this holiday season special. If your family needs support, please take a look at the details below.
Registration Details:
Register your family here: https://aatft.formstack.com/forms/ifrformhoward2024
The deadline to register is Friday, December 6th, by close of business.
Toy Pickup Information:
Families will pick up their toys on Saturday, December 21, 2024, from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Ascend One Building (8930 Stanford Blvd, Columbia, MD).
This will be a drive-through event. Families will provide their registration number to a volunteer, who will deliver the toys directly to your car.
Important Guidelines:
Register all children in your family, even if they are not of school age or attend different schools.
Toys for Tots cannot accommodate "wish lists," but if a child has special needs, please include that in the registration notes.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.