The Weekly Duck

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Dear Manor Woods Families, 

It has been a wonderful American Education Week for all! We welcomed so many visitors this week and we are so appreciative of all the parents/guardians who spent time with us throughout the week. Our students were super excited to have family members in the building and we hope everyone enjoyed seeing a “snapshot” of a typical day at Manor Woods. Thank you for helping us celebrate American Education Week and the importance of bringing together educators, parents, students and communities to unify in providing the best educational experience possible!

Parent Conferences will be held next week, and school will dismiss three hours early on Monday, November 25, and Tuesday, November 26 at 12:15 pm. Just a reminder, conferences on Monday are in-person and conferences on Tuesday and/or Wednesday are virtual. Our staff is excited for another opportunity to connect and share about your child’s progress during the first quarter as well as goals set for the second quarter. 

Next week, we will take a break from sending our newsletter. Our next Weekly Duck will be sent on December 6th. With Thanksgiving upon us, this is a great time to reflect on the many things for which we are grateful. We are grateful for all the wonderful people at Manor Woods Elementary School. We have amazing students, staff and families. We want to share our gratitude for your partnership and collaboration and we look forward to continuing our work together.

On behalf of the entire Manor Woods Staff, we wish you and your family a wonderful weekend and a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend!

Kelli Jenkins, Principal
Jennifer Zinn, Assistant Principal








25 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - Parent/Teacher Conferences (IN PERSON)
26 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - Parent/Teacher Conferences (VIRTUAL)
27 - Schools Closed for Students - Parent/Teacher Conferences
28 - 29 - Schools and Offices Closed


4 - PTA Meeting, 6:30 PM, Media Center
19 - Winter Chorus Concert, 7:00 pm, Marriotts Ridge High School
23 - 31 - Winter Break School Closed


Related Arts Color Calendar Schedule




MWES NEWS​​​​​​​



As we close out the month of November, this is always a great time to share our appreciation, thanks and gratitude. Reflecting on our many blessings and sharing our gratitude with others can truly make a difference. The staff at Manor Woods works so hard every day to make sure our students and families are happy and successful and we would love your help in recognizing our staff during this month of Thanksgiving. Will you join us in recognizing a staff member? Will you recognize any staff member who is making a difference for your child(ren)?

Please take a moment to recognize a staff member who is making a positive difference. Use this link to SHOUT OUT a MWES staff member: #MWES STAFF SHOUT OUT.  We will share the SHOUT OUT with individual staff members as they are received. Thank you for your support in recognizing our amazing staff! 


Last weekend, these Manor Woods students competed at the Baltimore County Classic Chess tournament, for K-8, and won first place! Join us in CONGRATULATING these students! We are so proud of each student! 

The trophy can be found in our Front Office!