Dear Manor Woods Families,
We were so happy to see all of our students this week after the snow days! It was great to get back into our routines and reconnect with each other!
Today our students received a surprise spirit day visit from the Ravens Purple Friday Caravan. The Ravens marching band, cheerleaders and Poe arrived at Manor Woods and paraded around our hallways while our students clapped, cheered and thoroughly enjoyed the surprise spirit day! Wishing our hometown team and all the teams in the playoffs this weekend the best of luck. Let’s GO RAVENS!
Next week, please be on the lookout for an email regarding February math conferences. The sign-up goes live on Monday, January 20th and more information regarding the conferences will be sent early next week.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!
Kelli Jenkins & Jennifer Zinn
Principal & Assistant Principal
- 16 - Orchestra Concert, 7:00 PM, Marriotts Ridge High School
- 17 - Team Up for Reading ~ Wear your favorite sports team or MWES colors
- 17 - Hats Off to Reading ~ Wear a Hat!
- 20 - Schools and Office Closed, MLK Day
- 20 - Parent/Teacher Conference Sign-Up Opens
- 21 - 22 - High Schools ONLY 3 Hours Early Dismissal
- 21 - Mount View MS, Rising 6th Grade Parent Orientation, 6:00-7:00 PM
- 22 - Band Concert, 7:00 PM, Marriotts Ridge High School
- 23 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early (Professional Work and Wellness Day)
- 23 - Mount View MS, Rising 6th Grade Parent Orientation, 6:00-7:00 PM SNOW DATE
- 23 - Burleigh Manor MS, Rising 6th Grade Parent Orientation, 6:30-7:30 PM
- 24 - Wear Maryland Colors (red, black, yellow and white)
- 27 - We “READ” all month long ~ Wear Red
- 27 - MWES Family Reading Night ~ CAMP READ-A-LOT, 6:00-7:30 PM
- 29 - Schools Closed - Professional Work Day
- 30 - Burleigh Manor MS, Rising 6th Grade Parent Orientation, 6:30-7:30 PM SNOW DATE
- 31 - Get Cozy with Reading ~ Pajama Day
- 31 - Group Picture for Band, Orchestra and Chorus Students
Related Arts Color Calendar Schedule