- 5 & 6 - School Closed 3 Hours Early for Parent /Teacher Conferences
- 7 - Schools Closed for Students (Professional Learning Day)
- 17 - Schools and Offices Closed for Presidents Day
- 19 - PTA Meeting @ 6:30 PM
- 3 - 4 - Kindergarten and New First Grader Registration Week
- 4 - Field Trip To SkateZone For 3rd Graders
- 14 - Schools 3 Close Hours Early (Professional Work and Wellness Day)
- 31 - Schools Closed For Students (Professional Work and Development)
Related Arts Color Calendar Schedule
Middle School Course Information for 5th Gr. Parents/Guardians
Visit the 5th Grade Canvas page with your child to view important 6th-grade course information. The window for choosing fine arts course requests (first choice + 2 alternates) in HCPSS Connect is now open. The deadline to make course requests is February 12th.
If you need assistance with making a course request, contact Ms. Heinlein, School Counselor at mheinlein@hcpss.org or call 410-313-7165. If you have questions about your child's course recommendations for English, Math, Science, or Social Studies, contact your child's teacher
Kids Heart Challenge
Kids Heart Challenge- Students will kick off the Kid's Heart Challenge on February 6th during Related Arts. To register for the event, please visit heart.org/schools. It costs $0 to register and all students who register will earn a wristband. With 50% of students registered, Manor Woods will receive $500 in Phys. Ed. equipment. All students will participate in the American Heart Association's Kids Heart Challenge Event during Physical Education March 17-21. For more information, please visit
Mid-Year Bullying Information
As we reach the midpoint of the school year, we would like to take a moment to reflect on the importance of maintaining a safe and supportive environment for all our students. One of the most critical issues we face as a school community is bullying, which can have lasting effects on children’s well-being, social development, and academic success. We believe that addressing bullying requires a partnership between students, families, and school staff.
Understanding Bullying
Bullying is more than just occasional teasing. It is intentional, repeated aggressive behavior that can be verbal, physical, or social, and it often involves an imbalance of power. While some bullying behaviors can be overt, others are more subtle but just as harmful. Examples of bullying include:
- Physical bullying: Hitting, pushing, or damaging property.
- Verbal bullying: Name-calling, teasing, and hurtful comments.
- Social/Relational bullying: Spreading rumors, excluding others, and social manipulation.
- Cyberbullying: Using digital platforms to harass or intimidate someone.
How You Can Help at Home
Parents play an essential role in preventing bullying and supporting their children through difficult experiences. Here are some steps you can take:
- Talk to Your Child: Encourage open communication with your child about their social experiences, both online and offline. Discuss how they should handle situations where they witness bullying or experience it themselves.
- Set a Positive Example: Show your child how to be kind and respectful toward others. Modeling good behavior in your interactions will teach them valuable social skills.
- Monitor Online Activity: If your child uses social media or online platforms, make sure you are aware of their online interactions. Cyberbullying can be particularly damaging, and it’s important to stay engaged with your child’s digital life.
- Reinforce Respect and Empathy: Remind your child that treating others with respect and kindness is always the right thing to do, no matter the situation. Teach them how to stand up for others in a positive way, not by fighting, but by seeking help and offering support.
- Support School Efforts: Be an active partner in your child’s education and in the school’s anti-bullying efforts. Attend parent meetings, participate in workshops, and reinforce school policies at home.
Together, we can build a culture of respect, kindness, and safety in our school, ensuring that every student feels valued and supported. Thank you for your continued partnership in keeping our students safe. More information can be found on the HCPSS Stop Bullying Website. An online version for reporting is available and can easily and confidentially be used by students, staff, and family members. If you have any questions regarding this policy or its implementation, please contact a school administrator.
Parent-Teacher Conferences for February will focus on MATH. Please sign up with your child’s Math Teacher. See details below.
Winter Parent/Teacher Conference Details:
- HCPSS elementary schools will close 3 hours early on Wednesday, 2/5 and Thursday 2/6 for parent/teacher conferences. MWES will dismiss students at 12:15 PM on both days..
- HCPSS schools are closed on Friday, 2/8 for a Professional Learning Day.
- The parent/teacher conference sign-up window opens TOMORROW, January 23 at 8 AM and closes on Friday, January 31 at 4 PM. Each conference will be 15 minutes. On Thursday, January 23, please login (using parent login) to HCPPS Connect to sign up for a conference time.
- Wednesday, 2/5 - all afternoon conferences (12:45-3:30 PM) will be in person only.
- Teachers will host afternoon conferences in person at Manor Woods and parents/guardians may only attend their scheduled conferences from 12:45-3:30 in person on this day.
- Wednesday, 2/5, all evening conferences (starting with the 3:45 time slot) for teachers who are offering evening conferences will be virtual only via google meet. Please check individual teacher schedules in Synergy.
- On Thursday, 2/6, afternoon conferences (12:45-3:30 PM) will be virtual only if teachers host conferences on Thursday afternoon. Please check individual teacher schedules in Synergy.
Winter Parent/Teacher Conference Sign-up:
- Winter parent/teacher conferences will take place with your child’s Math teacher. Please know the time slots available for February conferences are limited. If you are unable to gain a time slot and have math concerns regarding your child, you can reach out to your child’s math teacher at any time.
- Ms. Parker and Ms. Broadhurst will conference with their grade 5 math classes.
- Related Arts teachers are offering optional conferences. Due to limited time slots, please only schedule with Related Arts if you have a concern regarding academic performance and/or learning behaviors. Related Arts grades can always be accessed in Canvas even though they will not be posted on report cards for quarters 1 & 3.
- Virtual Conference Details ~ If joining virtually, please enter the Google Meet link one minute before your scheduled time. You’ll be in a “waiting room” until admitted. If you experience any technical issues, your child’s teacher will contact you via email, or you may connect with our Front Office staff for support.
- The HCPSS Family Engagement Committee has developed a Parent-Teacher Conference Tip Sheet (English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean) to support families in preparation for February conferences.
- Click here for directions to schedule a parent teacher conference
If you need assistance with scheduling conferences, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or our front office staff.
Measures of Academic Progress
The Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment is designed to measure a student’s academic achievement and growth over time in reading and mathematics. Together with other classroom-based information, MAP results can help teachers make instructional decisions that match the needs of each child.
MAP is a computer adaptive assessment. In a computer adaptive assessment, as a student responds to questions, the test responds to the student, adjusting up or down the difficulty of the questions presented to the student. This creates a personalized assessment for every student.
MAP is being used in all elementary and middle schools in HCPSS. In order to monitor growth across the school year, students in grades 1 through 8 take MAP two or three times a year: in the beginning (fall), in the middle (winter), and at the end of the school year (spring for grades 1-4). MWES will administer the Winter MAP Assessment on the following dates:
Math MAP
Reading MAP
First Grade
January 28
February 4
Second Grade
January 27
February 3
Third Grade
January 27
February 3
Fourth Grade
January 30
February 10
Fifth Grade
January 6
January 8
PTA News
PTA Calendar: https://www.mwespta.com/calendar
Please visit the PTA website at https://www.mwespta.com/
Bingo Night at Marriotts Ridge
Excellent Family night, and an opportunity to meet other families from our school and our community!
Saturday Feb. 22: Don’t miss out on BINGO NIGHT, a festive, family-friendly event which supports the Marriotts Ridge High School Music Foundation!
Bingo Tickets - $35 in advance
$40 at the door
Tickets include 20 Regular Games
- Saturday, February 22, 2025
- Doors open at 6 pm
- FOP Lodge #69, 2832 Nine Mile Circle, Catonsville, MD 21228 (Near historic Ellicott City)
Featured Prizes Include:
- Ooni Pizza Oven
- Solo Bonfire Smokeless Firepit
- Gift Cards Galore!
Buy tickets now: https://mrhsfruit.wixsite.com/fundraising
Monday, January 13, 2025 6:00 p.m.
Virtual Event
Concerned about your child's development? Research shows 68% of 3rd graders who received early intervention services no longer need special education. Learn how to request developmental testing through the Infants and Toddlers and Child Find Programs. Discover the significant benefits of early intervention and other valuable community resources to support your child's growth. For families of children ages birth to five. Visit registration page. Sponsored by Howard County Office of Children and Families
2024-2025 School Meals
Information Click HERE to learn more about HCPSS meal information.
Pricing for school meals for 2024-25:
● Breakfast - $2.00 ● Lunch - $2.80
Many HCPSS families are eligible to participate in the Free and Reduced Price Meals (FARMs) program, which provides children with a wide range of benefits including free or discounted college tuition, testing and application fees, academic and athletic program fees and many others in addition to free or discounted meals. Families are urged to check their eligibility and complete a FARMs application as soon as possible. Families must submit a new application every school year.
HCPSS Student Code of Conduct
The Howard County Public School System is committed to providing a safe, engaging and supportive learning environment where all policies are enforced fairly and consistently. HCPSS policies and regulations emphasize instruction and rehabilitation rather than punishment and are designed to foster and reward appropriate behavior and keep students connected to school so they can graduate college and career ready. Please read and review the HCPSS student code of conduct with your child(ren) before the school year begins: HCPSS Student Code Of Conduct
HCPSS Student & Parent Handbook
The Student & Parent Handbook can be found online and outlines districtwide practices and policies related to parents and students, including the Student Code of Conduct, school procedures, student responsibilities and more.
Click here for the latest updated hcpss news.