Attendance Information

Tue, 10/04/2022 - 10:03am


Late Arrivals

If you arrive at 8:45 AM or after, you MUST park your car in the big parking lot, and walk your child to the building to sign in with a staff member. This is for the safety of your child.

Tardies are tracked on your student(s) report card.

School opens at 8:30 AM. If your student isn't in their classroom by the late bell (8:45 am), he/she is considered late. You must accompany your child to and from the building each time your child has a late arrival.


Early Dismissals

Please bring your driver's license. If your student has an early dismissal, please make certain he/she is picked up before 2:55 pm to make certain you are out before our buses begin to arrive. Early dismissals cannot be conducted after 2:55 pm.

If you arrive after 3:00 pm, you will need to wait in the car loop line until our regular dismissal begins. It is best to alert your child(s) teacher and the front office regarding early dismissals ahead of time.

We would also like for you to provide a note each day your child has an after-school activity. This helps the teacher and your child remember the activity on a weekly basis.



When your child is absent, please send an email on the day your student returns to the following address:

Please send an email to the above address with your

  1. Child's name
  2. Teacher
  3. Grade
  4. Date of absence
  5. Reason for the absence. If a reason is not included, the absence will be considered unlawful. You may copy your child's teacher on the attendance email if you'd like.

Even if you have notified MWES of your upcoming absence, HCPSS will send out an automated e-mail message whenever a student is absent. MWES will make sure your child is marked accurately on their attendance record.


**************Important Note**********************

If you know your child will be absent for more than 3 days or would like to request days


Feel free to email the completed form to


Please click here for the form:

English Fillable Version: PDF icon English.pdf

Spanish Version: PDF icon Spanish.pdf

Chinese Version: PDF icon Korean.pdf

Korean Version:  PDF icon Korean.pdf

~ For other school forms please visit:


Absences for Religious Obligation:

Religious Forms Click here: