Important News

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The Weekly Duck 11.17.23

Fri, 11/17/2023 - 3:35pm

22-24 - Schools Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
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PTA Newsletter 11/9/2023

Mon, 11/13/2023 - 2:26pm

Duck Dash, Restaurant Night
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The Weekly Duck 11/3/23

Fri, 11/03/2023 - 7:16pm

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The Weekly Duck 10.27.23

Fri, 10/27/2023 - 3:21pm

31 - End of Q1, 3hr Early Dismissal at 12:45 p.m. 6 - Parents are able to sign up for November Conferences at 8:00 a.m.
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PTA Newsletter

Fri, 10/27/2023 - 9:22am

October 27th- Trunk or Treat at MWES 5:15 pm - 6:30 pm- Volunteers Needed! November 10th- Duck Dash
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The Weekly Duck 10/19/23

Fri, 10/20/2023 - 6:05pm

If your child is missing something, tell them to take a look at the lost and found area outside of the cafeteria.
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PTA Newsletter

Thu, 10/19/2023 - 10:46am

October 27th- Trunk or Treat at MWES 5:15 pm - 6:30 pm- Volunteers Needed!
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PTA Newsletters

Mon, 10/16/2023 - 12:10pm

October 19th- Hispanic Heritage Night at MWES 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm
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The Weekly Duck

Mon, 10/16/2023 - 12:07pm

20 - Schools Closed for Students, Professional Work Day
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MWES Newsletter

Fri, 10/06/2023 - 3:30pm

October 9 - Schools Closed for Students, Professional Learning Day
